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Unity チュートリアルのタワーディフェンステンプレートを触ってみる(51)

Unity チュートリアルのタワーディフェンステンプレートを触ってみる(50)では「カメラ編」を行った。今回は GameCamera に付属しているコンポーネントである、CameraRig について解説を行っていく。

1.カメラ編 – CameraRig.cs

CameraRig.cs について稚拙ながら解説

「CameraRig.cs」は「Assets/Scripts/Core/Camera/CameraRig.cs」の指しておりスクリプトについては以下の通り。内容としては    を行っている。

[cce_csharp]using Core.Input;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Core.Camera
	/// <summary>
	/// Class to control the camera's behaviour. Camera rig currently operates best on terrain that is mostly on
	/// a single plane
	/// </summary>
	public class CameraRig : MonoBehaviour
		/// <summary>
		/// Look dampening factor
		/// </summary>
		public float lookDampFactor;

		/// <summary>
		/// Movement dampening factor
		/// </summary>
		public float movementDampFactor;

		/// <summary>
		/// Nearest zoom level - can go a bit further than this on touch, for springiness
		/// </summary>
		public float nearestZoom = 15;

		/// <summary>
		/// Furthest zoom level - can go a bit further than this on touch, for springiness
		/// </summary>
		public float furthestZoom = 40;

		/// <summary>
		/// True maximum zoom level
		/// </summary>
		public float maxZoom = 60;

		/// <summary>
		/// Logarithm used to decay zoom beyond furthest
		/// </summary>
		public float zoomLogFactor = 10;

		/// <summary>
		/// How fast zoom recovers to normal
		/// </summary>
		public float zoomRecoverSpeed = 20;

		/// <summary>
		/// Y-height of the floor the camera is assuming
		/// </summary>
		public float floorY;

		/// <summary>
		/// Camera angle when fully zoomed in
		/// </summary>
		public Transform zoomedCamAngle;

		/// <summary>
		/// Map size, edited through the CameraRigEditor script in edit mode
		/// </summary>
		public Rect mapSize = new Rect(-10, -10, 20, 20);

		/// <summary>
		/// Is the zoom able to exceed its normal zoom extents with a rubber banding effect
		/// </summary>
		public bool springyZoom = true;

		/// <summary>
		/// Current look velocity of camera
		/// </summary>
		Vector3 m_CurrentLookVelocity;

		/// <summary>
		/// Rotations of camera at various zoom levels
		/// </summary>
		Quaternion m_MinZoomRotation;
		Quaternion m_MaxZoomRotation;

		/// <summary>
		/// Current camera velocity
		/// </summary>
		Vector3 m_CurrentCamVelocity;

		/// <summary>
		/// Current reusable floor plane
		/// </summary>
		Plane m_FloorPlane;

		public Plane floorPlane
			get { return m_FloorPlane; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Target position on the grid that we're looking at
		/// </summary>
		public Vector3 lookPosition { get; private set; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Current look position of camera
		/// </summary>
		public Vector3 currentLookPosition { get; private set; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Target position of the camera
		/// </summary>
		public Vector3 cameraPosition { get; private set; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Bounds of our look area, related to map size, zoom level and aspect ratio/screen size
		/// </summary>
		public Rect lookBounds { get; private set; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets our current zoom distance
		/// </summary>
		public float zoomDist { get; private set; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets our current internal zoom distance, before clamping and scaling is applied
		/// </summary>
		public float rawZoomDist { get; private set; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the unit we're tracking if any
		/// </summary>
		public GameObject trackingObject { get; private set; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Cached camera component
		/// </summary>
		public UnityEngine.Camera cachedCamera { get; private set; }

		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize references and floor plane
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void Awake()
			cachedCamera = GetComponent<UnityEngine.Camera>();
			m_FloorPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, new Vector3(0.0f, floorY, 0.0f));
			// Set initial values
			var lookRay = new Ray(cachedCamera.transform.position, cachedCamera.transform.forward);

			float dist;
			if (m_FloorPlane.Raycast(lookRay, out dist))
				currentLookPosition = lookPosition = lookRay.GetPoint(dist);
			cameraPosition = cachedCamera.transform.position;

			m_MinZoomRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, -cachedCamera.transform.forward);
			m_MaxZoomRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, -zoomedCamAngle.transform.forward);
			rawZoomDist = zoomDist = (currentLookPosition - cameraPosition).magnitude;

		/// <summary>
		/// Setup initial zoom level and camera bounds
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void Start()

		/// <summary>
		/// Handle camera behaviour
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void Update()

			// Tracking?
			if (trackingObject != null)

				if (!trackingObject.activeInHierarchy)

			// Approach look position
			currentLookPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp(currentLookPosition, lookPosition, ref m_CurrentLookVelocity,

			Vector3 worldPos = transform.position;
			worldPos = Vector3.SmoothDamp(worldPos, cameraPosition, ref m_CurrentCamVelocity,

			transform.position = worldPos;

		/// <summary>
		/// Debug bounds area gizmo
		/// </summary>
		void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
			// We dont want to display this in edit mode
			if (!Application.isPlaying)
			if (cachedCamera == null)
				cachedCamera = GetComponent<UnityEngine.Camera>();

			Gizmos.color = Color.red;

				new Vector3(lookBounds.xMin, 0.0f, lookBounds.yMin),
				new Vector3(lookBounds.xMax, 0.0f, lookBounds.yMin));
				new Vector3(lookBounds.xMin, 0.0f, lookBounds.yMin),
				new Vector3(lookBounds.xMin, 0.0f, lookBounds.yMax));
				new Vector3(lookBounds.xMax, 0.0f, lookBounds.yMax),
				new Vector3(lookBounds.xMin, 0.0f, lookBounds.yMax));
				new Vector3(lookBounds.xMax, 0.0f, lookBounds.yMax),
				new Vector3(lookBounds.xMax, 0.0f, lookBounds.yMin));

			Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;

			Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.position, currentLookPosition);

		/// <summary>
		/// Pans the camera to a specific position
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="position">The look target</param>
		public void PanTo(Vector3 position)
			Vector3 pos = position;

			// Look position is floor height
			pos.y = floorY;

			// Clamp to look bounds
			pos.x = Mathf.Clamp(pos.x, lookBounds.xMin, lookBounds.xMax);
			pos.z = Mathf.Clamp(pos.z, lookBounds.yMin, lookBounds.yMax);
			lookPosition = pos;

			// Camera position calculated from look position with view vector and zoom dist
			cameraPosition = lookPosition + (GetToCamVector() * zoomDist);

		/// <summary>
		/// Cause the camera to follow a unit
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="objectToTrack"></param>
		public void TrackObject(GameObject objectToTrack)
			trackingObject = objectToTrack;

		/// <summary>
		/// Stop tracking a unit
		/// </summary>
		public void StopTracking()
			trackingObject = null;

		/// <summary>
		/// Pan the camera
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="panDelta">How far to pan the camera, in world space units</param>
		public void PanCamera(Vector3 panDelta)
			Vector3 pos = lookPosition;
			pos += panDelta;

			// Clamp to look bounds
			pos.x = Mathf.Clamp(pos.x, lookBounds.xMin, lookBounds.xMax);
			pos.z = Mathf.Clamp(pos.z, lookBounds.yMin, lookBounds.yMax);
			lookPosition = pos;

			// Camera position calculated from look position with view vector and zoom dist
			cameraPosition = lookPosition + (GetToCamVector() * zoomDist);

		/// <summary>
		/// Zoom the camera by a specified value
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="zoomDelta">How far to zoom the camera</param>
		public void ZoomCameraRelative(float zoomDelta)
			SetZoom(rawZoomDist + zoomDelta);

		/// <summary>
		/// Zoom the camera to a specified value
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="newZoom">The absolute zoom value</param>
		public void SetZoom(float newZoom)
			if (springyZoom)
				rawZoomDist = newZoom;

				if (newZoom > furthestZoom)
					zoomDist = furthestZoom;
					zoomDist += Mathf.Log((Mathf.Min(rawZoomDist, maxZoom) - furthestZoom) + 1, zoomLogFactor);
				else if (rawZoomDist < nearestZoom)
					zoomDist = nearestZoom;
					zoomDist -= Mathf.Log((nearestZoom - rawZoomDist) + 1, zoomLogFactor);
					zoomDist = rawZoomDist;
				zoomDist = rawZoomDist = Mathf.Clamp(newZoom, nearestZoom, furthestZoom);

			// Update bounding rectangle, which is based on our zoom level

			// Force recalculated CameraPosition

		/// <summary>
		/// Calculates the ray for a specified pointer in 3d space
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pointer">The pointer info</param>
		/// <returns>The ray representing a screen-space pointer in 3D space</returns>
		public Ray GetRayForPointer(PointerInfo pointer)
			return cachedCamera.ScreenPointToRay(pointer.currentPosition);

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the screen position of a given world position
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="worldPos">The world position</param>
		/// <returns>The screen position of that point</returns>
		public Vector3 GetScreenPos(Vector3 worldPos)
			return cachedCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPos);

		/// <summary>
		/// Decay the zoom if it's beyond its zoom limits, for springiness
		/// </summary>
		public void ZoomDecay()
			if (springyZoom)
				if (rawZoomDist > furthestZoom)
					float recover = rawZoomDist - furthestZoom;
					SetZoom(Mathf.Max(furthestZoom, rawZoomDist - (recover * zoomRecoverSpeed * Time.deltaTime)));
				else if (rawZoomDist < nearestZoom)
					float recover = nearestZoom - rawZoomDist;
					SetZoom(Mathf.Min(nearestZoom, rawZoomDist + (recover * zoomRecoverSpeed * Time.deltaTime)));

		/// <summary>
		/// Returns our normalized zoom ratio
		/// </summary>
		public float CalculateZoomRatio()
			return Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.InverseLerp(nearestZoom, furthestZoom, zoomDist));

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the to camera vector based on our current zoom level
		/// </summary>
		Vector3 GetToCamVector()
			float t = Mathf.Clamp01((zoomDist - nearestZoom) / (furthestZoom - nearestZoom));
			t = 1 - ((1 - t) * (1 - t));
			Quaternion interpolatedRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(
				m_MaxZoomRotation, m_MinZoomRotation,
			return interpolatedRotation * Vector3.up;

		/// <summary>
		/// Update the size of our camera's bounding rectangle
		/// </summary>
		void RecalculateBoundingRect()
			Rect mapsize = mapSize;

			// Get some world space projections at this zoom level
			// Temporarily move camera to final look position
			Vector3 prevCameraPos = transform.position;
			transform.position = cameraPosition;

			// Project screen corners and center
			var bottomLeftScreen = new Vector3(0, 0);
			var topLeftScreen = new Vector3(0, Screen.height);
			var centerScreen = new Vector3(Screen.width * 0.5f, Screen.height * 0.5f);

			Vector3 bottomLeftWorld = Vector3.zero;
			Vector3 topLeftWorld = Vector3.zero;
			Vector3 centerWorld = Vector3.zero;
			float dist;

			Ray ray = cachedCamera.ScreenPointToRay(bottomLeftScreen);
			if (m_FloorPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
				bottomLeftWorld = ray.GetPoint(dist);

			ray = cachedCamera.ScreenPointToRay(topLeftScreen);
			if (m_FloorPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
				topLeftWorld = ray.GetPoint(dist);

			ray = cachedCamera.ScreenPointToRay(centerScreen);
			if (m_FloorPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
				centerWorld = ray.GetPoint(dist);

			Vector3 toTopLeft = topLeftWorld - centerWorld;
			Vector3 toBottomLeft = bottomLeftWorld - centerWorld;

			lookBounds = new Rect(
				mapsize.xMin - toBottomLeft.x,
				mapsize.yMin - toBottomLeft.z,
				Mathf.Max(mapsize.width + (toBottomLeft.x * 2), 0),
				Mathf.Max((mapsize.height - toTopLeft.z) + toBottomLeft.z, 0));

			// Restore camera position
			transform.position = prevCameraPos;

137行目 : 「protected virtual void Awake()」は Unity 固有の起動処理を行っている。内容としては Plane と Ray を生成し、その2つの距離を計算する。その後、最大と最小のズームの設定と距離の計算を行っている。

160行目 : 「protected virtual void Start()」は Unity 固有の開始処理を行っている。内容としては RecalculateBoundingRect を実行している。

168行目 : 「protected virtual void Update()」は Unity 固有の更新処理を行っている。内容としては RecalculateBoundingRect を実行後、trackingObject に設定があり、かつ trackingObject がヒエラルキー上で有効であれば StopTracking している。その後、現在の currentLookPosition と worldPos を取得し、自身の position と LookAt に設定している。

237行目 : 「public void PanTo(Vector3 position)」は引数で与えられた position にカメラを合わせる処理を行っている。

257行目 : 「public void TrackObject(GameObject objectToTrack)」は引数で与えられた GameObject を trackingObject として設定後、PanTo を実行している。

266行目 : 「public void StopTracking()」は trackingObject に対して null を設定している。

275行目 : 「public void PanCamera(Vector3 panDelta)」は引数で与えられた panDelta 分カメラをずらす処理を行っている。

293行目 : 「public void ZoomCameraRelative(float zoomDelta)」は SetZoom を実行している。

302行目 : 「public void SetZoom(float newZoom)」はズーム距離の設定を行っている。内容としては springyZoom が True であり、 最遠・最近以内にあればその値をズームの距離として設定し、それ以外であればもしくは最遠・最近としている。その後、RecalculateBoundingRect と PanCamera を実行している。

340行目 : 「public Ray GetRayForPointer(PointerInfo pointer)」はカメラの ScreenPointToRay を実行している。

350行目 : 「public Vector3 GetScreenPos(Vector3 worldPos)」は世界座標系を画面座標系へ変換している。

358行目 : 「public void ZoomDecay()」は springyZoom が True であれば、カメラのズームを上限、下限以内に設定している。

378行目 : 「public float CalculateZoomRatio()」はズーム距離を正規化している。

386行目 : 「Vector3 GetToCamVector()」はカメラのベクトルを取得している。

399行目 : 「void RecalculateBoundingRect()」はカメラの外接矩形のサイズを更新している。内容としては現在のカメラ位置とスクリーンの下左、上右、中心の座標を取得後、スクリーンの各座標を世界座標に変換し、矩形の作成を行っている。
